Why Carry Minati’s Video Removal was Right

Why Carry Minati’s Video Removal was Right

There is a lot of buzz around Carry’s Video coming up to roast Tiktoker Community ( An individual mostly) and even a bigger buzz around his video being banned. Hashtags on Twitter are trending continuously from his supporters Coming straight to the point , This is why Carry’s Video getting removed was correct The Video was a display of Arrogance and Superiority Complex It was clear in Carry’s words that he was showing himself to…

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21 Parliamentary Secretaries Disqualification..Office of Profit Issue in Delhi

21 Parliamentary Secretaries Disqualification..Office of Profit Issue in Delhi

So the Government of India has rejected Parliamentary Secretary Amendment Bill proposed by AAP Government in Delhi. This has been given the nod of the President as well. To be Clear that President of India can only follow and agree to the Bill as per the Center. If Center agrees , President agrees and Center Disagrees… so does the President. This has drawn clouds of uncertainty over 21 MLAs who can be disqualified now. Lets…

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Monsoons 2016…A Ray of Hope

Monsoons 2016…A Ray of Hope

So All the Meteorological Agencies and Experts in Weather Predictions forecast  that this Year will be above than Average Rainfall this year. According to the IMD Director , Lakshman Singh Rathore… The Rainfall this Year will be between 104-110 % .  This also include all the drought hit areas. Also , B.P. Yadav, Deputy Director General of IMD, says El Niño, under whose influence the Pacific Ocean warms up and affects the South Asian monsoon…

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Healthcare : Delhi vs India

Healthcare : Delhi vs India

There is lot of Limelight being thrown at given the recent Government formed by AAP led by Arvind Kejriwal. Its not that healthcare initiatives in India have not been taken before this , but its has been growing at a snail pace and majority of population still doesn’t have the basic healthcare available to them. “Health is a State subject and the Government of India has always tried to work in partnership with States to…

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Drug Addition in India

Drug Addition in India

Its not new to know that the Drug usage in India is on the rise.  According to some sources, There are approx 70 million drug users in India. The Agency, Narcotics Control Bureau shows that use of synthetic drugs is increasing at an alarming rate. The most disturbing trend, however, is that drug use, particularly synthetic drug use is skyrocketing among children. According to a study commissioned by the National Commission for Protection of Child…

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